May 04, 2009

New hospital mocktail

I have created a new hospital mocktail:

Mix one part chilled vanilla Boost with one part highly chilled chocolate Boost. Serve over ice.

Tastier than juice with ginger ale, more high level calories. If I drink this all day long, maybe I will regain some lost weight and not have to worry about missing meals.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jill, you are truly a cancer survivor and hero. I tried to find your FaceBook Page under your name but didn't find it. Do you still have Facebook profile. I was dx with lung cancer in 2006. I am now having back and leg pain (sciatica nerve pain). Had MRI last Friday. I have appt. tomorrow with ortho. doctor re. results of MRI. Hoping just a bulging disc or something like that and not a cancer met but I know how this disease is.

    Best wishes

    Bette from Texas

