February 26, 2013

Xeloda break

I'm on the one-week break between rounds of Xeloda. I take it twice a day for 14 days, then get seven days "off."

I've been quite fatigued so have tried to only take on one activity per day. Last Friday I cooked dinner for friends; on Saturday Dunava had our last recording session in the studio; Sunday I visited with a friend and then could barely get off the sofa to eat dinner in front of the TV while watching the Academy Awards.

Yesterday I took my first walk with Bobka in several days. We managed to get around the block, and somehow I dragged myself to and from the grocery store. I crashed for a short nap and later some friends came over to visit.

Today Bob and I went for a longer walk, and I have a meeting of my support group for young women with metastatic breast cancer. I imagine I will crash on the sofa again this afternoon. Hopefully the fatigue will ease up in the next couple of days.


  1. Anonymous6:07 AM


  2. I am at about the same place with Xeloda. Today begin my second two week round of the drug. What dose are you on ? I am on a very low dose partly my age and partly I was already nauseous from past meds. The onc hopes to increase it next round. Following your blog with interest !

