October 19, 2009

Not so much pink

I haven't seen so much pink this October. Maybe the concept of cause marketing is slowing down, or maybe there really is less breast cancer pink ribbon crap out there. Or maybe I just am not noticing it....


  1. Keep your eyes partially closed. I received a pink lightbulb for my front porch. A friend was so proud that she bought a pink hair straightener. Yeah. That crap? Still out there.

  2. Just back from the grocery store where I saw more pink ribbon crap than I would have believed possible. Pink ribbon cookies. Pink ribbon soup. Pink ribbon yogurt, tissues, you name it. I really goofed on this one.

  3. Told you that you should have kept your eyes partially shut...

    Fear not, friend. Your case of pink eye should begin to clear up shortly.

  4. METS is the dirty pink underbelly of breast cancer...the part no one rah-rahs or publicizes.

  5. The party that friends & I played at Sunday night was a thank-you reception for the sponsors & artists who do the work on the Breast Cancer Brick Auction. They raise tens--no, hundreds--of thousands of dollars and it's ALL volunteer. :)

  6. I have seen lots of pink around recently. On TV as well. Funny how it just pops up like crazy for a month.

    I do know what you mean, though, there has been less this year than I have seen in the past.


