April 19, 2009

Sunday post-chemo #3

I had a mostly good weekend until Saturday night. Friday was fine, came home and took my seems-to-be-usual two hour nap, then to friends for Shabbat dinner where I actually ate. On Saturday I went to shul as usual, felt fine and socialized for quite a while at kiddush after services. Took another long nap and then we joined G and her family for her 50th birthday dinner at Gaudi where again I had an appetite and enjoyed eating tapas and vegetarian paella.

But late Saturday night I began to feel a touch nauseated, so took some zofran before bed. Then I had trouble falling asleep and staying asleep. I had one hot flash at 3 AM that kept me up until almost 4, when I finally gave in and took some ativan to help me sleep.

I slept until 10 this morning, could hardly get out of bed. After a cup of ginger tea and four crackers (quickly becoming my queasy-tummy breakfast of choice), I lay down for another nap and slept until 2 PM. Have been puttering on the computer ever since, ate a bagel with some ginger ale, and generally just don't feel well.

So I am doing my best to listen to my body, do what it tells me (eat light, sleep more) and hope that this too will pass.

1 comment:

  1. So sorry you are having a bad reaction. I will pray that this passes soon for you xx

