April 06, 2009

Monday morning after chemo

I had a surprisingly good weekend. After my post-chemo nap and a lovely Shabbat dinner at the G's, I felt the tiniest bit queasy Friday night. Zofran soon took care of that. I felt good enough to go to shul on Shabbat morning, and by the time we got to kiddush I was actually hungry and in a terrific mood. I am sure the Seattle sunshine helped.... On Sunday, I went to morning minyan followed by cleaning the fridge for Pesach, choir rehearsal, more cleaning, a quick walk with the dogs and dinner out. So far, I am doing more than so good!

However, every day around 2 PM I seem to hit a wall of fatigue. In the past six-plus years I haven't usually needed to nap in the afternoon, but have given in to this impulse every day so far.

I don't know if the fatigue is due to the chemo leaving my system, the fact that I am waking up a lot in the night with hot flashes, or just because. I slept restlessly again last night and expect to hit that wall again in time for a nap this afternoon.

Meanwhile, today has more cleaning on the schedule. I do like Passover, but the preparation gets harder every year.


  1. I'm glad that you've found chemo easier, at least for this round. I found that I needed more sleep as well, and I am glad that you are simply taking a nap and not trying to argue with her body. Don't ask me how I know that this is the best way to handle it.

  2. I am all in favor of naps, especially as I get older. ;)

  3. I think naps during chemo are important. If your body wants to sleep, it needs the rest.

  4. Get all the rest you can get- no matter the time of day. I agree with Caroline, naps during chemo is important- and those who care understand. Best wishes Hun.!

