March 24, 2009

Medical paperwork

I got two items in the mail yesterday. My insurance company sent me a notice that they paid a bill for a doctor I don't recognize and for whom I owe a copay. The hospital sent me an invoice for "recurring outpatient" with no dates of service or other details.

I ask you, how is a person supposed to deal with this?

It means getting on the phone with the insurance company and the hospital, taking copious notes, making sure I get the names of the people I speak with and dating my notes so that when it happens again, I have concrete information to back myself up.

Isn't it enough that I have metastatic cancer? Do I also have to spend hours of my precious time dealing with medical paperwork?

The short answer is Yes.

Why can't the companies do things right the first time?


  1. Anonymous9:41 AM

    Because there is a profit motive. I recall a speech in Seattle by Congressman Dennis J. Kucinich in 2004 when he was running for president. He claimed that this country already had enough money for health care for all. The reason it wasn't going to the actual care of health is that 80% of our health care money goes to administration. I would say that probably means the running of health insurance with an eye on profit.

  2. We've discovered multiple double billings from the hospital. Tim verifies every single number. When we call about them, they acknowledge it right away, and pass it off as 'check and bill crossed in the mail'. It's interesting to note that sometimes there is a couple weeks between the check date and the bill date.

    But yes, it is extremely frustrated to get something with a date, and a number, and no other information.

  3. Bless you for your strength and courage. :)

