May 31, 2014

Going to Bulgaria

As many of you know, for almost 10 years I have been singing with Dunava, a Balkan womens' folk choir ( Singing with Dunava is the culmination of my many years of folk dancing and singing. Now I have my first opportunity to travel to Bulgaria and learn from master musicians there.

Since I was 16, I have fallen in love over and over again with the music of the Balkans, specifically that of Bulgaria, with its tight harmonies and powerful sound. In Dunava I found a group of extraordinary women with whom it is my pleasure to sing. They have taught me so much over these past 10 years. As my friend G said when we were in the recording studio one day last year, "When I met you, you were a dancer who could sing. Now, you're truly a singer."

I'm writing today asking you to please check out our IndieGogo campaign and consider supporting Dunava. This trip will improve how we sing, will give us new material to bring back for workshops and concerts (in the Pacific Northwest) as well as influence future CDs and projects which will make their way around this country and the world. 

Any amount of support would help us reach our goal.

If you choose not to support Dunava, please click through to the Indiegogo page anyway. That simple act helps us gain more visibility and possibly will help us gather more supporters. Please feel free to share this widely as well - the more people who see it, the more support we may have!

Thank you so much. Bulgaria, here we come!


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