October 10, 2013

Another loss

My support group friend D went into the hospital last week and began comfort care over the weekend. He died today at 3:45 pm, just as we in group had finished talking about him.

Cancer, this terrible disease, strikes too many people at too young an age. D was diagnosed less than a year ago. He came to group filled with anger at his diagnosis and unsure how to react to it. Over the few months I knew him, he moved from anger and frustration to acceptance and focused on living his life with cancer. I am sure going to group helped him to learn coping skills. Meeting other people with advanced cancer also played a big part in his acceptance of his situation.

D was a gentleman in every sense. When B and I needed rides every week this  summer, because Rik was working and he needed our car, D came though week after week. We three developed a deeper relationship during our weekly commutes and even on our last ride, we benefited from one another's wisdom.

D leaves behind a wife and teenage children, as well and many other family and friends. Zichrono l'vracha -- May his memory be for a blessing to all who knew him.


  1. Hi Jill, I was actually just checking out a few of your posts and had a quick question about your blog. I was hoping you could email me back when you get the chance -emilywalsh688 (at) gmail.com- Thanks : )


  2. So sorry about your loss.

