December 31, 2012

The "package" is off

Mom left this morning after a week's visit. We had a good time together, even though in retrospect I can't recall that we did anything special.

Well, we did go out with many friends for our annual Chinese food extravaganza on December 25th. And then they came over (and more of them showed up) for dessert and shmoozing. That was really fun, and I was exhausted after spending five hours with everyone.

We three also saw the movie of "Les Miserables," which we all enjoyed. We went out for a couple of meals, we went for treatment and Mom accompanied me when I saw Dr G. Mom skunked Rik and I both at Scrabble. I cooked some yummy meals and served up cocktails twice (Moscow Mules and Campari with orange juice, a family favorite).

We also did a lot of talking, the kind of mother-daughter conversation that you can do best in person and is harder to manage over the telephone.

So all in all, it was a very good visit, and Rik, Bobka and I will both miss having Mom around. Especially Bobka. Until her next visit!


  1. bjohanna1:21 PM

    Lovely photo. They both look quite comfortable.

  2. A happy new year to you. More times like this...

