May 07, 2012

Sunshine helps

I don't know if it's the StressArrest, the fact that I finished a big volunteer project which I'd been avoiding, or two days of sunshine, but my mood has improved and I feel better. Last night's volunteer ushering at a performance of Damn Yankees probably didn't hurt either -- theatre is great for taking one's mind off of troubles.

Today I met with my shrink, Dr Dobie, who I hadn't seen in more than a year. It felt good to unburden myself to someone with good listening skills, not a friend or relative who would be emotionally involved, and to get her full attention. I mean, I love my support group and go every week, but I have to share the forum with 8-10 other people who all have their own issues. She is going to talk with Dr G before prescribing an anti-depressant, to be sure that nothing would interact badly. Dr Dobie also reminded me that avoidance produces its own stress and anxiety. I may have inadvertently increased my stress by avoiding that big project for so long.

I also spent an hour working in the garden. Rik has carted over lots and lots of cedar chips from the remains of a neighbor's tree (with permission) and I have now barked the entire raspberry bed, the chester berries and the grape arbor. That leaves weeding, fertilizing and barking the strawberry patch, and coming up with some kind of idea to keep weeds from growing in the shade area we just planted. Plus the everlasting hunt for dandelions.....

I cooked a delicious dinner of roasted arctic char and cauliflower and potatoes seasoned with gram masala, salt and a little cayenne pepper. It's been too long since I posted about food. Things must really be looking up.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:02 PM

    I have followed your blog for months and I simply love your spirit and love of really are so involved in your community and your is great to read your posts. I seem to forget you have cancer. You really have not let it define you and from you I am trying to learn...please post more about food and your garden. Hugs!!!! Elisabeth

