November 05, 2008

Health update

Still sticking the mupirocin antibiotic ointment (brand name Bactroban) up my nostrils twice a day to keep the staph infection from a few weeks ago from coming back. Rik is going to take the same treatment to prevent us from passing it back and forth.

I saw the dermatologist (who looks an awful lot like my first cousin, 30 years ago). He examined my many moles and pronounced me clear for another year.

My body has been covered with moles my whole life. Last year during my family doc's annual exam, she found something potentially suspicious. She gave me a referral to a dermatologist. He removed the potentially suspicious mole and had it biopsied. Turned out to be nothing, but you never know. Now I have another doc to add to my roster of health care professionals, and this one I have to see annually.

How many providers do I have?

Primary care physician
Radiation Oncologist
Infectious Disease Specialist (2!)
Oral Surgeon

Plus --
Oncology Social Worker (2)
Infusion Nurses (the same three for the past 6 years)
Compression Garment provider (2)
Physical Therapist specializing in manual lymphatic drainage (many over the past 9 years)
Dental hygienist

If you live in the Seattle area and want a recommendation on a provider, I think my health care team is THE BEST!

1 comment:

  1. Whoa! that's a long list of Doc's! =)
    Glad to hear that you are doing ok though!

    "Nana's Box"

