October 21, 2014

What's up

Now that the Jewish fall holy days are finished, I feel as though things are settling down. Except that last week I was diagnosed with an infection in my port line.

10-21-2014 (bad selfie)
(actually 10-13-2014)

The line had been reddish for a few days but the nurses at Swedish urged me to contact Interventional Radiology and have someone else see it. I went in the next day, the IR PA (physician's assistant) prescribed oral antibiotics, told me to come back in a week, and if it hadn't cleared up sufficiently, he'd put me on intravenous antibiotics.

Yesterday the infusion nurses all agreed it looked better. Personally, I can't tell. But I will go back to see the IR guy tomorrow and eventually write an update.

1 comment:

  1. I wish everything will be okay. I certainly wait for your update.

    I know things in life are not perfectly done but I truly believe it has graceful steps to dance with.

