October 01, 2017

Second Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) without Jill and this one was much much harder as I really had nothing to do to honor her this year. So during Kol Nidre (the evening  service) I basically just hummed along and cried quite a bit. The person making the pitch for the annual fundraiser was even kind enough to mention Jill by name several times and how much she had meant to the synagogue's financial health. It was quite nice. Fasting was OK but I got distracted  picking the last of the Marion Berries yesterday afternoon and then just had to have a few (LOL!). Did not even realize that until several minutes later when I went whoops!

Getting back into the rhythm of teaching school is proving challenging this year after a wonderful summer of travel and learning. But it is a good distraction from my broken heart (from final breakup with a beautiful woman I was seeing on and off over the last eight months) and my missing of Jill at this time of year. How she loved the holidays so much and the cooking. At least I was able to take part in the meal before the fast this year that friends call the white meal because everything is white or light colored.

Not sure how much more I will post, but Jill wanted me to deactivate her blog after year but her words continue to help others, so perhaps I will try to keep it up a while longer. Thanks again to all of you for your continuous support and as always if you really need to reach me I am available.
